Friday, February 19, 2010

Dad had a Green Thumb

This is a layout I did for a Speed Scrap over at GDS today.  It was the last Speed Scrap with retiring designer *Dancing Princess* and we were all so sad about that! Her designs were awesome! The good news is, that she's only just stopped designing and will still be active in the forums! Yippee!! .. So anyway.. the layout is about my Dad.. The Speed Scrap was supposed to be about saying good-bye but as I don't like good-byes, I just made a layout about one of the things he like doing best which was gardening.  Here it is using the kit *Minty Crispy* by JJ Scrapping: 


 The other layout I finished today was for Round 3 of the Supreme Team Competition.  I'm not 100% satisfied with it but I uploaded it anyway.  It's really not my style of layout but somehow I just couldn't come up with anything else.  I surely don't consider this to be anywhere near one of my best layouts.  Having said that, it's done and uploaded! The little girl in the layout is me when I was about 3 or 4. Here it is using a collab kit by FWTS and JJ Scrapping called *Springy*