Friday, February 19, 2010

Challenges at GDS

So today I have 2 more layouts I did for the GDS Junkie Challenge.  This challenge is to be done with GDS kits.  The first layout is called *Coffee Time* and is made using JJ Scrapping's portion of the *Springy* collab Kit.  The photo is of my sister enjoying a delicious cup of *not Starbuck's* coffee at a sidewalk cafe in Port Angeles WA. 

The second is a layout I did by mistake.  It was done using a mini kit of all desaturated papers and elements and we are to recolour them, which I did, however I forgot to use the palatte I said I would use for that challenge!  So now I have to do it again using the correct palette for that challenge! LOL Silly me! The good news is, I really like what I did and so therefore entered it in the Junkie Challenge instead. This is a photo of my niece Cecelia. I just think this is such a darling shot of her!